What’s Your Engagement Program?

No, I don’t mean your strategy for getting your fiancé to pop the question.  I’m talking about the system your company, group or association has in place to help solve social and environmental issues in your back yard and across the globe.

Sponsorships, volunteerism, education and teambuilding…all very different Engagement Programs, but all very important and all serve a valuable purpose.  Engagement Programs are as diverse as the organizations that run them.  From long-term corporate initiatives to one-time feel good projects, these programs not only help promote the corporate brand and improve reputations, but the significant impact on employees and the community can be life-changing.

If you‘re looking to start an Engagement Program or are encouraging your organization to take the first step, there are some factors to consider:

  • Ensure your program aligns with your organization’s overall mission
  • Define the program’s goals and objectives
  • Outline tools to measure your programs success
  • Engage your employees at all levels

As meeting planners we are often asked about projects for convention attendees or incentive travel winners.  Here are two creative ideas that we have come across:

  • Work with a college or university to assist with their research program and then afterwards follow and track the program’s progress (i.e. wildlife or sea life research tagging program).  Employees feel a sense of accomplishment with the project and are able to then add closure to knowing the final outcome.
  • Orphanage or Nursery Update – armed with bedding, blankets, stuffed animals, paint,  brushes and other tools, staff work together to transform an orphanage, share stories and offer hugs for needy children

There are several sites that provide Engagement Program ideas, but we recommend Causecast.com. They have great, real-world suggestions that can be easily implemented and offer a newsletter and blog so you can stay in the know on the latest trends.

Engagement Programs are good for business, but they’re great for employees and the community!





photo credit: <a href=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/ffaalumni/9045254666/”>ffaalumni</a> via <a href=”http://photopin.com”>photopin</a> <a href=”http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/”>cc</a>